the beadings will continue until dragoncon

So let’s see, what have I done since last weekend?
Oh that’s right, I sat on the couch and beaded every single day.

Ok so first. I was telling Kristie that I didn’t like the bugle beads and was going to take them off that first test piece and redo them. She looked at my reference and was like, “uh I don’t think that’s beads, that looks like some kind of cording or thick thread.”
And I looked at it too and said, “dammit, you’re right.”
So I ordered 2 different options on amazon. One was prime and the other wasn’t — which I was ok with because the non-prime ones were just backup. But for whatever reason the prime one didn’t ship the next day and was set to deliver this friday?! WTF. I emailed amazon and they got it straightened out and it’s out for delivery today. YAY

I also picked up ANOTHER backup at Joann on Sunday. So hopefully one of these 3 things will work.

So each night last week I focused on getting the outline of each one done, because it was the easiest part.

Then I focused on the smallest ones.

I got 3/4 of them totally done except the cording.

The tiny seed beads take the longest to do. So I decided to concentrate on doing all the larger beads on everything first and THEN go back to doing the seed beads and cording last.

I spent all day Saturday just really digging in – worked til about 8 in the morning til midnight with just a break for lunch and dinner. Got them all done except the seed beads and cording.

I think my front ones ended up a little big but I’m at the point of not worrying about it. I’m hoping once they are sewn down and the fluff can sort of settle over them they’ll look smaller.

So since I spent all day Saturday beading, Sunday I concentrated on “everything else.” Didn’t get as much done as I hoped, but got a decent amount done.
Got some glasses painted and that one prop I keep talking about done except for making one little piece Chase is going to do for me.
Got my Crait Leia ring painted tho I still need to do the pieces around the edge.
Then I really dug into Amidala’s robe.

I got the back horizontal piece made and trim atttached (need to find something to put on either end).
Got the inner sleeves made
Got the trim sewn onto the sleeve edges
Got the collar piece made
Got the insets sewn in place (had to do it by hand, it’s too unwieldy to get in the machine anymore without somebody helping hold up the bulk of it) and hems on the back pinned.

Tonight I’ll sew up those hems. Get the front inset placed and sewn in. Get the snap closures sewn in and and the collar and back band on.
And that’ll be it except attaching the sleeves. I’m not going to attach the sleeves until I’m done with the appliques (since it’s 5 appliques per sleeve, I figured it’d be easier to sew those on to just the sleeves than trying to wrestle the whole robe while sewing them on).

Also going to work on the wig tonight. If I can get all that knocked out and the wig at least styled (if not finished — i still haven’t figured out how to do that pinecone looking hair on the top), that’ll be a huge amount off my plate.
Then it’ll just finishing that wig, my Crait Leia wig, the wig for one of my surprise costumes, and the appliques for the next 16 days.
Freak out is slightly abated but rising after just counting the days for that last sentence.

in other news, Luna was a major punk this weekend.

She slipped thru the slates of the baby gate on the back stairs. I caught her about halfway down and said, “What are you doing?!”
She started to run foward, then realized she was heading into unknown territory, turned around and ran past me back upstairs.
I dunno what to do to keep her from going down. We got a new air puffer to put at the other set of stairs. Guess I’ll have to keep the room divider closed across the other baby gate.
It’s a stress I’m not really enjoying having at the moment.

Mmm grapes smell good

Toucha the grapes?
Thanks, now I’m throwing them away since I don’t know which one your paws touched šŸ˜›

She actually chilled on the couch with me friday, first time she’s done that in the new place.

Went to Michael’s for thread on friday since I HAAAAAAAAATE Hobby Lobby’s thread. They had some LOTR blind boxes. I said I wasn’t going to buy anymore because I KEEP GETTING HOBBITS.
Buuuuuuuuuut somebody else had already sliced the plastic open and torn into the bags. So I was able to peer in and see which was which. First one I picked up I could tell was Arwen so I got it.

Now I Just really want the Gandalf :\

Ash needed to go to Joann Sunday morning so I tagged along. (She’s making things to hide for people to find at Dragoncon! Gonna be super cute!)
I got that 3rd option for my gold cord. And McCall’s was on sale sooo

It’s almost all Outlander LOL. But that upper left one is one I’ve had on my radar for a couple of weeks now so I was glad to be able to snag it today. Will work great for a future project I’m wanting to do.

So that’s it for today except for your usual art dump. More concept stuff today.

I loved the Klimt-esque treatment of the dress in the original concept art, so I was excited to do this one. Turned out ok.

THIS one was based on one of my fav pieces of Padme concept art and I’m really happy with how it turned out, one of my favs so far.

This one was based on a action-y outfit, really reminds me of Snowbunny.

Still have about 10 more I want to do. Some of them are just b/w sketches and some are just from the chest up, so some may get dropped or merged together. Taking it one at a time right now.